Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Week Down

OK, so I know you're all dying to know how I manged during the Thanksgiving weekend and the results are... well... um... damn it.

I woke up on Thursday morning and gave myself my official starting off point for this Greatest Challenge Ever:
Thursday morning weight- 200 pounds even. Perfect. Nice round number.

The actual gorge-fest known as Thanksgiving Day was not that bad. I sure as hell didn't count calories because I don't know anyone who has that much free time. On MyFitnessPal have to input most homemade things ingredient by ingredient. I don't know if you've ever broken down your basic casserole dish before but it's a long, long list of things that I really don't want to know about. I just want to taste the rainbow of deliciousness and move the *bleep* on. And I did. I made a big ol' plate full of everything I could get my hands on and it was freaking awesome and it felt great. Sure I probably crossed the 1500-calorie barrier, but that's OK because from Thursday night into the wee hours of Friday morning yours truly was shopping up a storm.

Oh and how we shopped! The wife and I did it all, Toys R Us, WalMart, and of course the mall. I can't imagine we burned a lot of calories walking around, but the energy it took just to keep my ass up and awake for nearly 24 consecutive hours must have counted for something right?

Friday morning weight- 201.4 pounds. Not bad. I can totally manage this.

After a rousing 3 hour nap/sleep on Friday we got up and believe it or not went back shopping again. Then we went home and started hanging Christmas decorations. Again... not exactly running a marathon but dragging my butt around on practically no sleep has to be burning calories somehow.

Saturday morning weight- 198.6. Woot! I win! I am going to kick this challenge in the nuts!

The next couple days were relaxing. Putting up the rest of the decorations, doing laundry, watching football and eating a normal amount of food.

Monday morning weight- 201.4. Huh?

No big deal, because now I'm back at school and running around chasing 5th Graders. And as all teachers know, it's way easier to stay on a diet at school because you're so busy. I'll dip back under 200 pounds in a couple days

Thursday morning weight- 201.4. Well shit.

So to recap... I made it through Thanksgiving just fine... but the week after Thanksgiving has been my downfall despite the fact that I haven't gone off the diet.

Welcome to the holidays... this is going to be harder then I thought.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Greatest Challenge Ever!

OK blog fans... it's Game On! We are 1 day away from the World Series of Eating known as Thanksgiving Day. Turkeys are defrosting, desserts are being baked, and those of us on diets are crapping our pants.
I've been sweating this day for a while now, but then I realized that I was awesome and I stopped worrying. True story. No really. Need proof? Gaze at my hairy legs (and feet) and the scale beneath them!

That's right people, I officially cracked the 200 pound barrier last week and have officially reached my goal weight well ahead of schedule. Back in February I was north of 250 and wanted to reach 200 by Christmas. Well I kicked those first 50+ pounds square in the nuts and now it's time for Phase II. I have decided to launch myself head-first into the most ridiculous, crazy, insane challenge ever concocted by a fat man.

I am challenging myself to lose weight over the holidays. Boom!

The rules are simple, I will weigh myself on Thanksgiving morning and again when I return home from Christmas break in New Hampshire (January 2nd). The goal is to show an overall weight loss during the "Holiday Season", generally regarded as the hardest thing to do in the universe. Can it be done? Is the artist-formally-known-as-a-FatMan up to the challenge? To be honest I don't know, but if I pull this off a celebration will definitely ensue.

So how about you? Do you think you're up to the challenge? Drop me a line on Facebook or here on this blog if you want to join up. Let's all take this Holiday Season head-on, kick it in the teeth and start the New Year a little smaller than we currently are.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ho Ho Holy Crap This Is Hard

Ah it's that most wonderful time of the year. My favorite time of the year without question. Soon, turkeys will be cooking, families will be gathering, and shoppers will be beating the crap out of each other over $3 bath towels (the wife and I actually saw that happen last year). Once that all happens, it will officially be The Holiday Season, that magical, special time when I can listen to Christmas music, decorate the house to a bizarre degree, and indulge in all of those delicious treats that come around this time of year.

Oh wait... I can't do that last one... scratch it off the list. And shoot me in the face while you're at it.

The lead up to Thanksgiving this year has been a mix of high expectations and crushing realizations. For instance, I can't wait to watch the Macy's parade. It is an absolute staple for me every year and I never miss it. However, a little piece of me died when I realized I wouldn't be eating my just-as-traditional pumpkin nut bread and cranberry nut bread while the parade was going on. With a thick spread of cream cheese on each moist slice. Whoops... another piece of me just died.

I am blessed to be celebrating Thanksgiving with my wife's family this year. An intimate get-together of somewhere around 40-50 people. I'm doubly blessed to be the one tasked with cooking 2 20-pound turkeys. I can think of no higher honor on a day like this. For someone who has honed his turkey-cooking craft to the point of perfection, this is like my Super Bowl. And Alton Brown is my own personal Bill Belichek.

Now as you might expect, the turkey will be the centerpiece of the festivities but my wife's family is a casserole-loving family. They have this stuff down to a science and their science is freakin delicious. But (you know there was a but coming didn't you?) as you might expect, casseroles are funny things. One does not simply ask what ingredients were used to create your casserole. Partly because the ingredient list is longer than the Macy's parade, and partly because there's a really good chance you don't want to know.

This, for the dieting man, presents a rather large problem.

Every time I imagine myself cooking not 1 but 2 perfect turkeys while my extended family rejoices, with tears of joy streaming down their faces... I get beyond giddy. Minutes later when I imagine all the casseroles, desserts, breads and stuffing that I won't be eating.... I start to feel like Charlie Brown kicking that damn football.

I'm inching ever closer to the 200 pound barrier folks... but I am dragging myself toward this finish line and it ain't pretty. And I haven't even thought about Christmas cookies yet.

Whoops... another piece of me just died.