Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Get Thee Behind Me Pizza!

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Karma is a bitch. Whatever goes around comes around. It's the circle of life (cue the African chorus chanting in the background). Not matter what your particular favorite saying is, it all basically means the same thing: Everything in life goes from being good to bad and back to good again. When you're on a diet this is true in so many painful ways. Here now is a brief recap in the week that was for me:

Wednesday- I'm rebooting my life! I'm going to blog again, and diet, and exercise!! I'm going to lose these 20 pounds and get all sexy and life will be awesome!

Thursday- I lost 3 pounds in one day! I have stunned by body into awesomeness. I feel better already, nothing can stop me now!

Friday- Another pound gone! 4 pounds in two days. The Dave train has left the station and is flying down the track! Two straight trips to the gym and a day of lawn mowing and yard work. I will lose these 20 pounds in no time.

Saturday- OK, I maintained my weight... I'm fine with that. And hey, grilling burgers for dinner isn't so bad. Plus I'm sure that french toast I had for breakfast isn't nearly as caloric as I think it is. I'll be on stage tonight working it all off anyway.

Sunday- You know, I think I'm going to skip my daily weigh in this morning... just to be on the safe side. But it's cool. Sure I might go a little crazy at the cast party tonight. Another burger, some fries, fried pickles... but it's all good. We all need to enjoy life right?

Monday- Back working at the restaurant, but I must maintain focus. Can't go grabbing food. Sure this is the best Italian food I've had in years... but it's all carbs man. Must avoid! What's that? Someone ordered two pizzas and never picked them up? We can nibble on pizza all night long for free? It must be my lucky day! Besides, I'm sure 2 (or three) slices won't affect me that much.

Tuesday- I just gained back the 4 pounds I lost last week. However did that happen? Side note: diets suck and the inventor of diets should be dragged out into the street and shot.... repeatedly... with a bazooka.

Sooooo.... kinda back to square one here folks. I did go to the gym this morning (yay), but I'll be back at the restaurant tonight (uh-oh). Apparently losing these 20 pounds will actually be, ya know, challenging and stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Honey maybe your shouldn't weigh yourself everyday as it will just drive you crazy.
