So anyone who knows me, knows of my insatiable need to be right. It's a drug, I'm addicted, whatcha gonna do? Thankfully because I'm so awesome I tend to be right a lot. Seriously high percentage over here. No joke, I have documentation and everything. So it is with much chagrin and a little bitterness that I admit here once and for all that it's possible I may not be 100% exactly right in this one isolated instance.
As it turns out Dr. Hitler (he of the 1500 calories a day diet) may have been on to something. I've been safely under 1500 calories for the past few days now. When you combine that with the exercise I've been getting from attempting to turn our backyard into a patio, you actually get results. Damn it all! I went to this guy looking for a bottle of happiness and instead I get a diet of pain, suffering, and weight loss. Actual weight loss. Like a pound a day at my current clip.
I guess it's too much to ask for that I continue to lose a pound a day for the next 40 days and get to my goal weight so I can eat a friggin' cheeseburger? *sigh* It's not like I mind scarfing down lettuce like a crack-induced 240-lb rabbit. I mean, who doesn't right? But at some point I'm going to need a pizza. Not a "slice", not some pretend tofu, diet veggie shit on a disc. A pizza. A whole, entire pizza cut up into slices that all end up in my mouth. A pizza covered in cheese and sauce and cheese and possibly the carcass of a dead animal. We're not quite there yet, but at some point we will be. And when that day comes my friends, you would be wise to not be in my way.
Weight when I started- 245ish
Weight as of this morning- 238
Calories consumed today- 1380
Shocked FatMen- 1
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