Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 2: And here... we.... go.

One of the joys of being a teacher (stop laughing, there are joys... no really) are the occasional free meals you receive. Naturally since today was our first day back from summer break, my school rolled out a breakfast spread of epic proportions. We're talking muffins, eggs, home fries, sausage, and the most glorious breakfast food ever invented... bacon. In the past I would have made that buffet my bitch. I would have left it whimpering and begging for the sweet release of death. But the new me? The 1500-calorie-a-day me? He just sat there and watched others enjoy the sweet, sweet taste of breakfast awesomeness. Not going to lie... I died a little inside this morning.

The good news here is that since I'm officially back to school now I'll be more on a routine and theoretically more likely to stick to this diet. Plus I'm running around decorating my classroom instead of planting my fat ass on the couch. Double plus Kristin and I have been granted permission to build our patio so after school today we started the long process of digging out the space that we'll be using. A couple of weeks of that and I damn well better be thin.

So now it's the end of Day 2 and believe it or not according to My Fitness Pal I'm at 1419 calories today. Sure I'm grumpy. Sure I'm willing to chew on a real live cow right now. Sure I feel like Anne Frank, chronicling my painful experiences for future generations (what... too soon?). It'll all pay off down the road. Or at least it better, or I'm going to hunt my doctor down, kill him, deep fry him and eat him with a side order of hash browns.

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