Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello again

Oh boy, another blog. I know, I know, anyone who stumbles upon this thing is probably already bored but bear with me here. I'm well aware that blogging is not exactly the most current form of expression out there, but considering my fashion sense is typically 10 years behind the times, it makes sense that my technological sense follows suit.

The impetus behind this blog? My never ending quest to become less fat than I currently am. Why now? Good question. Probably because today can be described as the first day of my new diet and exercise plan. Oh sure I exercise. Hell I currently have memberships to two different gyms, one of which I actually use. It's the dieting portion of the equation that's been somewhat... um... lacking? For instance, most diets allow you 1 day a week to go crazy and eat whatever you want as a way of keeping your metabolism on its toes. My diet allowed 3-4 of those days a week depending on mood and the fortunes of whatever team I was following that season. Not exactly a recipe for success. In fact in the first 5 months of my old plan I dropped 7 pounds. Better than nothing, but not by much. Especially when I have to lose enough weight to make a new 6-year old.

What started this recent desire to do something was my recent visit to the doctor. After getting blood work done (always a joy), I met with him this morning to go over the results. As a tride and true lazy person my first hope was that I simply had a 50 pound tumor in my stomach and that simple surgery would render me skinny. No dice. Beyond that I was hopeful that my cholesterol level would be stupid high and the doctor would be forced to prescribe some amazing wonder drug that would melt the fat off my body. Strike two. My last resort was that possibly I was born without a thyroid or that it had packed its bags and fled in the middle of the night, and I would qualify for some radical medication that would skinny me up real quick. Well son of a bitch if my thyroid isn't working properly! In fact it turns out I'm actually perfectly healthy except for the extra 50-60 pounds I'm carrying. Perfectly healthy! The nerve of my body to work properly like that. So naturally since I'm all systems go, my doctors prescription for losing weight? Diet and exercise. Shit! Are you serious? No surgery, no magic pills, nothing except diet and friggin' exercise. Thank God we have Obamacare now so everyone in America can have access to medical wisdom like this. What the hell good is a doctor if he doesn't hand out good drugs? Throw the FatMan a bone dude!

So as of today I've been put on a 1500 calorie-a-day diet. To keep me on the straight and narrow I've now officially joined the My Fitness Pal website which several people have recommended. It really is quite the easy way to track everything, so now I present to you... the blog-following public... my Day 1 numbers:

Current Weight: 245
Goal Weight: 200
Total Calories Allowed: 1500
Total Calories Consumed: 2142.... crapsticks! Off to a bit of a rough start here.

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